Saturday, February 20, 2010


Well I waited as long as I could to update my blog, but I figured it was time. You can consider this my Electronic Valentines Day Card.

This blog was supposed to be my way to update everyone with pictures from my trip to Miami for the Superbowl, but everyone with a pulse knows why that didn't happen.. So I am not going to touch on it... There's always next year and I still dont want to talk about.

As some of you may know, I am going through a transition in careers. A few weeks ago, I resigned from my job in Minneapolis and I am currently transitioning into taking a position with our family business. I am looking forward to the opportunity of working with my dad, and being a bit closer to my family and friends.

The biggest change will come with taking in a slower-paced lifestyle. Anyone that has lived in Minneapolis/St. Paul knows what I am talking about. The weeks go by so fast, its almost a blur. I have lived the life of fancy cars and expensive bars (at least for me), and I can say that I am honestly ready for a change.

As of right now, I am looking for housing. And no, I am not going to be living in Springfield.. sorry mom! I have a lot of close friends in the New Ulm/Mankato area, so I am looking at places there. If anyone has any recommendations, let me know. I am struggling to find a place at the moment..

Apart from that, I am really looking forward to spring/summer. After putting together a tenative schedule, it looks like my weekend tournament schedule will be full again.. If anyone is interested in getting a schedule of my self titled "Southern Minnesota Tour", let me know. It would be great to get a group of guys together to go to a few events.

This weekend, we have a board of directors meeting for The Dane Odden Classic. The date of the event is set for May 28th and will take place in Carroll, IA. This will be the fourth year of the event, and we already have a record number of confirmed attendees. Being a co-founder of the tournament, I am extremely excited for this years event. If any of you are interested in attending, let me know.. I can get you tickets!

Well, thats about all that I have for today. For the five or six people that actually read this, I appreciate it! I will update everyone sooner than later..

Until next time,


"Change is inevitable, except from vending machines."

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't put a better picture my friend.

